John David Mann is coauthor of the international bestseller, The Go-Giver. The book has been published in 22 languages and has sold over 700,000 copies. In addition to being an award-winning writer and coauthor of numerous New York Times bestselling books, he is also a concert cellist and prize-winning composer.


Looking a little deeper into the whole business of adding value, since that’s the bedrock of the Five Laws of Stratospheric Success, I stumbled upon a thought about appreciation. One of the most powerful ways you can create value for people is simply to appreciate them. Notice the things they do that make a difference,…

A Study on Ties

While at work on a Go-Giver-related article about the Law of Influence (“Your influence is determined by how abundantly you place other people’s interests first”), I was writing about the work of Harvard sociologist Mark Granovetter, Ph.D. Dr. Granovetter wrote a landmark paper in 1970 that showed how (and proposed why) we have more influence…