014 People Smarts

People skills are so often the differentiator between the talented person who is reasonably successful, and the incredibly successful person who creates buy-­in and commitment from everyone around them. Fortunately, these people skills can be learned, although they must ultimately come from the heart. We’ll discuss that in our Thought of the Day. Then in our interview segment, we’ll be joined by star entrepreneur and bestselling author Dave Kerpen, whose newest book just happens to be titled The Art of People.


013 Technology and Relationships

Every day we’re surrounded by smartphones, social media, and many other types of technology. We have access to a greater quantity of communication than ever before. But what about the quality of communication? Does technology help or hurt us in this regard? Or is there a third option? We’ll discuss that in our Thought of the Day. In our interview segment, we’ll be joined by Terry Brock, a technology wizard who will help us see that it’s not about the technology, but about the relationship.

008 The Power of Referrals - Dr. Ivan Misner

008 The Power of Refferals

We all know that high-quality referrals and introductions are an important aspect of a successful business. So why do salespeople and entrepreneurs not ask for, and receive, more of them? We’ll discuss that in our Thought of the Day. And later, in today’s interview, we’ll talk with Dr. Ivan Misner, a man who has not only mastered referral-based marketing, but formed the company and wrote the book—actually, many books—about it.