030 Mastering Ego

Ego is a word often-used in the negative context. But whether that part of the human element brings positive or negative results is dependent upon whether we control it … or it controls us. In the interview segment, we talk with Ryan Holiday, who wrote a brilliant book entitled “Ego is the Enemy”. What exactly does he mean by that, and how can we utilize that wisdom for our success and happiness?

028 Leading With Noble Purpose

Does focusing on bringing value to others–actually placing their interests first–mean that you’re more likely to lose out or be taken advantage of? Or, more likely to win big? And in the interview, we’ll talk with Lisa Earle McLeod, who has created a movement of “Noble Purpose” first in selling, and now in leadership. And the results? I’ll bet you can guess?


021 Encouragement and Recognition

Is encouragement what the world most lacks today? Even if it’s not the #1 need, it’s still very close to the top. What can we do about that? We’ll discuss that in our Thought of the Day. And later, in the interview, we’ll talk with former Chairman and CEO of YUM! Brands, David Novak. He’ll share powerful lessons from his new book, O GREAT ONE, which helps us understand the vital importance of encouragement through recognition … in the workplace.