The Empathy Edge by Meridith Elliott Powell

148 The Empathy Edge

There are two major benefits to listening — really listening — to your prospective customers and clients. We’ll look at that in our Thought of the Day. And in our interview segment, Meridith Elliott Powell shares an amazing story regarding how being laser-focused on the customer and truly empathetic created a sale for one sales person, while a lack of such had the exact opposite effect for his competitor.

Your Next Success by Joe Calloway

145 Your Next Success

When it comes to your career, have you ever wondered if it’s just too late to either up your game or shift gears completely? We’ll look at that in our Thought of the Day. And in our interview segment, Joe Calloway will answer both questions with a resounding NO, it’s not too late. AND he helps guide us to our next success.

Limitless Possibilities by Laura Gassner Otting

144 Limitless Possibilities

Success is best defined by what success means to YOU. That’s what we’ll explore in today’s interview with the author of a wonderful new book that takes a deep dive into how to accomplish exactly that type of success. The discussion is a little bit longer than normal, so rather than the usual thought of the day, let’s go right to this fascinating discussion with the equally fascinating Laura Gassner Otting.