Go-Giver Influencers: Making a Significant Impact

002 Influential Beliefs

Bob had a fascinating conversation with Lisa Copeland. She is the author of one of Bob’s favorite books, Crushing Mediocrity. Lisa’s story is inspiring and her sales, leadership, and business acumen immense. She is a pioneer and entrepreneur! Years ago she entered the very “male-dominated” automotive industry. But, rather than follow the old-school way, she created her own system based on the principles of service, high value, and immense customer experiences.

Set the Frame… and Sometimes Reset It

Jackson Hill and his mentor, Judge Henshaw, are back at Rachel’s Famous Coffee for another lesson. One that Jackson badly needs as he’s about to continue his negotiations with the formidable Gillian Waters later that day. And his first meeting with the buyer at Smith & Banks had not gone well.

“Set the frame,” the Judge said. “The frame is more important than the content, because the frame is the context. Whoever sets the frame of the conversation also sets the tone and the direction in which it will go.