Bob Burg is coauthor of the International Bestseller, The Go-Giver, Go-Givers Sell More, The Go-Giver Leader, and The Go-Giver Influencer. He is author of the sales classic, Endless Referrals and Adversaries into Allies. The Go-Giver has been published in over 30 languages and has sold over a million copies. Join Bob on Clubhouse: @bobburg


Contrary to Go-Giver Selling?

A sales professional we’ll call Rick works in the credit card merchant services industry. He wrote to me with the following concern. Bob, I read your and John’s Go-Giver books a couple of years ago and thoroughly enjoyed them. I’ve been in sales professionally since 2006. I’ve really wanted to make a difference and have fun…

Finding The Way (To Create Value and Profitability)

My friend, bestselling author and Prosperity Authority, Randy Gage has famously said: “You don’t have a money problem. You have an idea problem.” Randy’s premise is that if you can find a way to bring value to others (i.e., the marketplace) your money situation will be well taken care of. This, of course, ties into…

Give More Than You Get? Really?

It’s one of those things that kind of sounds right. Or, sounds good, anyway. “Give more than you get.” Not surprisingly, it’s also something that is often equated with The Go-Giver philosophy even though John David Mann and I never wrote that in the book. Law #1 says to “Give more in value than you…